Booster Club Info
Co-President: Scott Lecher
Co-President: Jennifer McPherson
Co- Treasurer: Kelly Sathre
Co-Treasurer: Paul Paetzel
Secretary: Erin Haley Strub
Co-Secretaries: Erin Hanson/Stephanie Henry
Jag Foundation Representatives: Kelly Sathre/Paul Paetzel
Please Consider Volunteering with the Booster Club. Contact any of the Volleyball Booster Board members for more information.
Open Board Positions:
Volunteer Coordinator
Vice President/Co-President
Booster Coordinators
Booster Coordinators
Volunteers: Open Position
Theme Nights: Melissa Barns
Concessions and Tournament Concessions:
Maggie Johnson and Amy Belisle-Keith
Banquet: Liz McPherson
Tournament Director: Scott Lecher
Tournament Hospitality Room Coordinators:
Maggie Johnson and Amy Belisle-Keith